Bo Andrée is a researcher at the Department of Spatial Economics of VU University Amsterdam. His research interests include spatial-time series econometrics, economics, and statistical learning methods, with an empirical focus on land-use change, agriculture, and policy support. His current efforts are directed towards the development of innovative spatial-time series models that build on economic rational and Geographic Information Systems.
Bo completed the Earth and Economics BSc programme at the VU with additional courses in economics and a minor in GIS. He completed the Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics MSc programme with a double specialization in Regional and Urban economics, and Transport economics, and followed extracurricular courses from the Econometrics and Operations Research MSc programme. He wrote his thesis, with the title “Evaluating Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Movements in Cross-sectional Dependence Structures”, on smooth transition modelling of spatial -time series with joint supervision from the Econometrics Department, the Spatial Economics Department, and the SPINlab.
More research output can be found here.
Theory and Application of Dynamic Spatial Time Series Models

Today Bo Andrée defended his PhD dissertation in an online session that had a live stream on YouTube. The somewhat impersonal, digital setting did not inhibit a lively discussion.
Bo’s thesis sets out to develop theory and methods to analyze dynamic interactions between observations that are interrelated across space and time. This...Read More »
Famine Action Mechanism

PhD candidate Bo Andrée is working on an ambitious high profile project at the World Bank: the Famine Action Mechanism (FAM). This project seeks to monitor and detect early signs of famine risk and link forecasts to prearranged and agreed financing and intervention plans to respond earlier and consistently...Read More »