The analysis and simulation of land-use change has long been the topic of intensive research at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
- Analysis of trends and driving forces in past land use changes. Past projects include the explanation of land-use patterns and land prices through statistical (regression) analysis to underpin the development of land-use models within Europe or in other regions in the world. Currently we are involved in the analysis of property prices and land values c.q. empirical bid rents, see for more information. With these analyses we aim to shed more light on the valuation of amenities and the explanation of (spatial) factors that determine the market price of residential land use.
- Simulation of future land use. We participate in various projects to further develop the Land Use Scanner model and continue to apply it in several scenario-based studies, for example related to climate change or agriculture. Validation of the model is the latest research priority.
- Impact assessment of anticipated land use changes. The ultimate goal of most simulation studies of future land use is to inform policymakers on the possible future state of several policy related issues. We assist this evaluation of policy themes with the development and application of indicators of land use change, related to for example the fragmentation of open space, the concentration of urbanisation and flood risk assessment.
Vasco Diogo defends his PhD

On October 12, Vasco Diogo has successfully defended his PhD dissertation at the VU University. His thesis ‘Agricultural land systems: Explaining and simulating agricultural land-use patterns’ reveals to what extent empirical and theory-based approaches of spatial analysis and land-use modelling are able to explain observed spatial patterns in agricultural land...Read More »
OECD publishes paper by SPINlab researchers reviewing available data on land use and land cover indicators

SPINlab researchers Vasco Diogo and Eric Koomen have written a paper for the OECD identifying opportunities to refine OECD’s indicators of land cover and land use and their regular production for all OECD and G20 countries. A comprehensive review is conducted of the available datasets at the global,...Read More »
Ruimtelijke analyses relatie stedelijk landgebruik, lokale kenmerken en lange-afstandsbereikbaarheid

Promotie SPINlab-onderzoeker Chris Jacobs-Crisioni
30 november 2016, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
De verhitte concurrentie tussen spoorexploitanten heeft gezorgd voor overinvestering op het netwerk en bijgedragen aan een te dicht spoornetwerk in Nederland. Het 19e-eeuwse Nederlandse spoorwegnetwerk is voornamelijk ontwikkeld voor winst en de Nederlandse staat deed competitief mee in de spoorweguitbreiding, zonder rekening...Read More »
SPINlab researchers speak at OECD meeting in Paris
A small SPINlab delegation visited the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in Paris last week to present a land-use data inventory to delegation members from across the globe. The report for this meeting was prepared by Vasco Diogo, Bo Andrée and Eric Koomen and may...Read More »
EC-JRC meeting on integrated territorial policy assessment
The Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (EC-JRC) invited a large delegation of SPINlab to contribute to their international workshop on integrated territorial policy assessment in Ispra, Italy. Together with, amongst others, researchers from the JRC units in Seville and Petten, scholars from the United Kingdom and representatives of...Read More »