phd cover joostRural Land Prices; A Spatial Explanatory Model

A Spatial Information-based Model of Rural Land Prices
1998 – 2003

Rural land markets are complex and heterogeneous markets, in which many actors and factors affect land prices. This study aimed to contribute to the understanding of rural land markets by developing a spatial explanatory model for rural land prices. The model is based on economic theory and uses geographical information technology to analyse a large data set covering the province of Noord-Brabant in the Netherlands. The model is applied to analyse the effect on rural land prices of the land purchases for construction of houses, infrastructure and for nature conservation.

The study was a first step to improve the land use change analysis in the Land Use Scanner, a simulation model with which the spatial policy effects on future land use is investigated through the use of scenario analysis, though it mostly focussed on explaining existing spatial patterns. Further development for future projections involving land prices is carried out in the study ’Analyzing land use change using land market models’, of which more information can be found here.

This research project was carried out from 1998 till 2002, and resulted in a PhD degree on April 29, 2003. The study is available at the RIVM. A CD-ROM is available upon request at the SPINlab.

Project data
Study carried out by Joost Buurman

prof. dr. Henk Scholten, promotor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
prof. dr. Piet Rietveld, promotor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
prof. dr. ir. Adri van den Brink, co-promotor, Wageningen Universiteit en Dienst Landelijk Gebied