Land-Use and Climate Change

Setting the scene for decision making on future landscape and land use under a climate change regine: focal areas and opportunities for multifunctional adaptation strategies.

Our goal
The LANDS projects of the research programme Climate Change and Spatial Planning (KvR) seeks at identifying climate-change driven spatial changes in land use and land development, and integrate changes in agriculture, industry, housing and nature sectors into balanced national visions and regional solutions. The project will emphasize the cross cutting issues water resources and nature conservation: these require coordination between national level and regional level decision making, as well as between regions. For all these impacts, integrated adaptation strategies will be identified by exploring possible and feasible re-arrangements of land use in The Netherlands. This will be done at two scales: the local scale and the national scale.

Start: July 2004
Finished: 2011

Publications related to LANDS (KvR)

Diogo, V., Koomen, E., van der Hilst, F., Second generation biofuel production in the Netherlands: a spatially-explicit exploration on the economic viability of a perennial biofuel crop, Research Memorandum 2012-4, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2012.

Koomen, E., de Moel. H., Steingröver, E.G., van Rooij, S.A.M., van Eupen, M., Land use and climate change; synthesis report, KvR report number KvR 062/12, Vrije Universiteit/Alterra, Amsterdam/Wageningen, 2012.

Koomen, E., Opdam, P., Steingröver, E., Adapting complex multi-level landscape systems to climate change; Editorial, Landscape Ecology, 2012.

De Moel, H., Aerts, J.C.J.H., Koomen, E., Development of flood exposure in the Netherlands during the 20th and 21st century, Global Environmental Change, 21 (2), pp.620-627, 2011.

Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., Explaining land-use transition in a segmented land market; potential input for Land Use Scanner. Chapter 9, in: Koomen, E., Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (eds.), Land-use modelling in planning practice. GeoJournal Library Vol. 101, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011.

Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Koomen, E., Bouwman, A., van den Burg, A., Lessons learned from using land-use simulation in regional planning. Chapter 8, in: Koomen, E., Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (eds.), Land-use modelling in planning practice. GeoJournal Library Vol. 101, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011.

Koekoek, A., Koomen, E., Loonen, W., van Dijk, J., Simulation of future land use for developing a regional spatial strategy; the case of the Province of Overijssel. Chapter 7, in: Koomen, E., Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (eds.), Land-use modelling in planning practice. GeoJournal Library Vol. 101, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011.

Koomen, E., Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Ruimtegebruiksimulatie in de regionale beleidspraktijk, Rooilijn, 44 (4), pp.284-291, 2011.

Koomen, E., Borsboom-van Beurden, J., Land-use modelling in planning practice, GeoJournal Library Vol. 101, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011.

Koomen, E., Hilferink, M., Borsboom-van Beurden, J., Introducing Land Use Scanner. Chapter 1, in: Koomen, E., Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (eds.), Land-use modelling in planning practice. GeoJournal Library Vol. 101, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011.

Koomen, E., Koekoek, A., Dijk, E., Simulating Land-use Change in a Regional Planning Context, Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy, 4 (4), pp.223-247, 2011.

Kuhlman, T., Verburg, R., van Dijk, J., Phan-Drost, N., Biomass on peat soils? Feasibility of bio energy production under a climate change scenario. Chapter 6, in: Koomen, E., Borsboom-van Beurden, J. (eds.), Land-use modelling in planning practice. GeoJournal Library Vol. 101, Springer, Dordrecht, 2011.

Olsthoorn, J., Koomen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., Ruimtelijke verkenning Veenkoloniën 2040, Deelrapport Geodan Next, in opdracht van Stuurgroep Agenda voor de Veenkoloniën, Geodan Next, Amsterdam, 2011.

van t Klooster, S., van Drunen, M., Koomen, E., Socio-Economic Scenarios in Climate Adaptation Studies. Chapter 3, in: Aerts, J., Botzen, W., Bowman, M.J., Ward, P.J., Dircke, P. (eds.), Climate Adaptation and flood risk in coastal cities, Earthscan, Oxford/New York, 2011.

Verburg, P.H., Lesschen, J.P., Koomen, E., Perez-Soba, M., Simulating land use policies targeted to protect biodiversity in Europe with the CLUE-Scanner model, in: Trisurat, Y., Shrestha, R.P., Alkemade, R. (eds.), Land Use, Climate Change and Biodiversity Modeling: Perspectives and Applications, IGI Global, Hershey, PA, USA, 2011.

Wagtendonk, A.J., Evaluating the loss of open space in land use change simulation, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-12, Amsterdam, 2011.

Borzachiello, M.T., Nijkamp, P., Koomen, E., Accessibility and urban development: a grid-based comparative statistical analysis of Dutch cities, Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design, 37 (1), pp.148-169, 2010.

Bubeck, P., te Linde, A., Dekkers, J.E.C., Ward, P., Flood risk developments and adaptation strategies in the Rhine-Meuse delta, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010.

Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Koomen, E., A GIS-assisted method for defining an integrated vision of a climate proof Groningen, in: Painho, M., Santos, M.Y., Pundt, H. (eds.), Geospatial Thinking; Proceedings of AGILE 2010, The 13th AGILE International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Guimarães, Portugal, 2010.

Kuhlman, T., Koomen, E., Kram, T., Exploring the potential for biofuel crops in the Netherlands, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010. Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference website

Semeijn, B., Nederland in 2050: wijnland of woestijnland?, Weermagazine, 11 (4), pp.16-19, 2010.

van Eupen, M., van Rooij, S., Steingrover, E., Koomen, E., Climate change and nature, integration of spatial policies with a land use model, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010. Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference website

Wagtendonk, A.J., Koomen, E., Evaluating landscape impacts of climate mitigation using land-use simulation, in: Kabat, P., Vellinga, P. (eds.), Abstracts Scientific Programme Deltas in Depth, International conference Rotterdam, the Netherlands, 29 September-1 October, 2010. Remarks: For the audio lecture on this paper, visit the conference website

Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Koomen, E., Roggema, R., Integratie van sectorale adaptatiemaatregelen voor een klimaatbestendige provincie Groningen, in: Abstractbundel PBL Ruimteconferentie 2009, PBL Ruimteconferentie ’09, Rotterdam, 3 November, 2009.

Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Koomen, E., Roggema, R., Towards an integrated vision of a climateproof Groningen, Report for the province of Groningen, Groningen, 2009.

Koomen, E., Integration of spatially explicit climate-adaptation measures with a land use model, in: IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science Volume 6: Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-12 March, 2009.

Koomen, E., Comparing climate change adaption research in Australia and the Netherlands; Review of the VCCAP project, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2009.

Loonen, W., Koomen, E., Calibration and validation of the Land Use Scanner allocation algorithms, PBL publication number 550026002, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Bilthoven, 2009.

van den Bergh, D., Berendsen, R., Gerritsen, M., Mes, R., van Nistelrooij, H., Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Ruimtelijke klimaatscan; Methodiek ontwikkeling, case Zuid Holland, Xplorelab, provincie Zuid Holland, Den Haag, 2009.

van der Hoeven, E.M.M.M., Aerts, J., van der Klis, H., Koomen, E., An Integrated Discussion Support System for New Dutch Flood Risk Management Strategies. Chapter 8, in: Geertman, S., Stillwell, J.C.H. (eds.), Planning Support Systems: Best Practices and New Methods. GeoJournal library, Springer, Berlin, 2009.

van Leeuwen, E.S., Koetse, M., Koomen, E., Rietveld, P., Spatial economic research on climate change and adaptation; Literature review for ‘Knowledge for Climate’, KfC report number KfC 002/09, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2009.

Aerts, J., Sprong, T., Bannink, B., Bessembinder, J., Koomen, E., Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., van der Hoeven, E.M.M.M., Huitema, D., van ’t Klooster, S., Veraart, J., Walraven, A., Jonkman, S.N., Maaskant, B., Bouwer, L.M., De Bruijn, K., Oosterveld, E., Schuurman, H., Peters, K., Ottevanger, W., Immerzeel, W., Droogers, P., Kwadijk, J., Kind, J., Voogt, L., Van der Klis, H., Dellink, R., Affolter, F., Bubeck, Ph., van der Meulen, M., de Lange, G., Bregman, B., van den Brink, H., Buiteveld, H., Drijfhout, S., Feijt, A., Hazeleger, W., van den Hurk, B., Katsman, C., Kattenberg, A., Lenderink, G., Meijgaard, E., Siegmund, P., de Wit, M., Naples, M., Aandacht voor Veiligheid, Leven met Water, Klimaat voor Ruimte, DG Water, Rapportnummer: 009/2008, 2008.

Bubeck, P., Koomen, E., The use of quantitative evaluation measures in land-use change projections. An inventory of indicators available in the Land Use Scanner, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-07, Amsterdam, 2008.

Koomen, E., Rietveld, P., de Nijs, T., Modelling land-use change for spatial planning support; Editorial, Annals of Regional Science, 42 (1), pp.1-10, 2008.

Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Hilferink, M., Climate-change adaptations in land-use planning; a scenario-based approach, in: Bernard, L., Friis-Christensen, A., Pundt, H. (eds.), The European Information Society; Taking Geoinformation Science One Step Further. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Springer, Berlin, 2008. Remarks: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Series

Koomen, E., Spatial analysis in support of physical planning, Ph.D. thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2008.

This dissertation was nominated for the VU Societal Impact Award 2008. See the Ad Valvas of 16 October 2008, p.9.

Koomen, E., van der Hoeven, E.M.M.M., The Netherlands climate proof; what will the country look like in 2040?, Geoinformatics, 11 (5), pp.26-27, 2008.

Koomen, E., De evaluatie van landschap in ruimtegebruiksimulatie, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-08, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2008.

Mugdal, S., Benito, P., Koomen, E., Modelling of EU land-use choices and environmental impacts – Scoping study. Final report and appendices, Brussels/Ivry-sur-Seine, 2008.

Ritsema van Eck, J., Koomen, E., Characterising urban concentration and land-use diversity in simulations of future land use, Annals of Regional Science, 42 (1), pp.123-140, 2008.

Rodríguez, J., Omtzigt, A.Q.A., Koomen, E., de Blois, F.S., 3D Visualisations in simulations of future land use: exploring the possibilities of new, standard visualisation tools, International Journal of Digital Earth, 1 (1), pp.148-154, 2008.

van der Hoeven, E.M.M.M., Koomen, E., Nederland Klimaatproof; LANDS-scenario’s als hulpmiddel, Geografie, 17 (2), pp.21-23, 2008. Remarks: This article is written within the framework of the ‘Aandacht Voor Veiligheid’-project (AVV), discussed in a news broadcast on 15-03-2008, see news-item.

Borzacchiello, M.T., Nijkamp, P., Koomen, E., Accessibility and urban development: a grid-based comparative statistical analysis of Dutch cities, Research Memorandum 2007-15 Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2007.

Borzacchiello, M.T., Nijkamp, P., Koomen, E., Accessibility and urban development: a grid-based comparative statistical analysis of Dutch cities, in: Paper presented at NECTAR Workshop “Network Dynamics and Location Choice”, NECTAR, Stuttgart, Germany, 26-27 October, 2007.

Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., Land-use simulation for water management: application of the Land Use Scanner model in two large-scale scenario-studies, in: Koomen, E., Stillwell, J.C.H., Bakema, A., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Modelling land-use change; progress and applications, GeoJournal Library, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007.

Koomen, E., Stillwell, J., Bakema, A., Scholten, H.J., Modelling land-use change; progress and applications, GeoJournal Library, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007. Remarks: A review can be found in the Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy journal, or here.

Koomen, E., Stillwell, J., Modelling land-use change: theories and methods, in: Koomen, E., Stillwell, J.C.H., Bakema, A., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Modelling land-use change; progress and applications, GeoJournal Library, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007.

Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Exploring integrated scenarios of socio-economic and climate change in the Netherlands, Paper for the transatlantic conference on the science and education of land use (TALUC 2007), Washington DC, 2007.

Koomen, E., Ritsema van Eck, J., Measuring urban concentration and land-use diversity in maps of simulated future land use, in: Bunce, R.G.H., Jongman, R.H.G., Hojas, L., Weel, S. (eds.), 25 years Landscape Ecology: Scientific Principles in Practice., Proceedings of the 7th IALE World Congress. IALE publications series 4, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 8-12 July, 2007.

Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Localising the land-use impact of global climate change; integration of sector-specific adaptation measures with the Land Use Scanner, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook. International conference, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007.

Loonen, W., Koomen, E., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Calibrating and validating the Land Use Scanner algorithms, in: paper presented at the 15TH European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, ECTQG 2007, Montreux, Switzerland, 7-11 September, 2007.

Riedijk, A., van Wilgenburg, R., Koomen, E., Borsboom-van Beurden, J.A.M., Integrated scenarios of socio-economic and climate change; a framework for the ‘Climate changes Spatial Planning’ program, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-06, Amsterdam, 2007.

Rodríguez, J., Omtzigt, A.Q.A., Koomen, E., de Blois, F.S., 3D Visualisations in simulations of future land use: exploring the possibilities of new, standard visualisation tools. Paper presented at the Joint Workshop on Visualization and Exploration of Geospatial Data, ISPRS/ICA/DGfK, in: ISPRS/ICA/DGfK 2007, Stuttgart, Germany, 27-29 June, 2007.

van der Hoeven, E.M.M.M., Koomen, E., Watergestuurd ruimtelijk beleid, H2O, tijdschrift voor watervoorziening en waterbeheer, 22, pp.14-16, 2007.

Koomen, E., De toekomstige inrichting van Nederland, Klimaatmagazine, september, pp.27, 2006.

Opdam, P., Steingröver, E., van Rooij, S., Ecological networks: A spatial concept for multi-actor planning of sustainable landscapes, Landscape and Urban Planning, 75 (3-4), pp.322-332, 2006.

Koomen, E., De toekomst van Noord-Holland; simulatie van veranderend ruimtegebruik met de Ruimtescanner, Agroinformatica, 2005 (2), pp.17-21, 2005.

Koomen, E., Kuhlman, T., Loonen, W., Ritsema van Eck, J., De Ruimtescanner in ‘Ruimte voor landbouw’; data- en modelaanpassingen, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-02, Amsterdam, 2005.