Spatial analysis in support of physical planning
Spatial analysis is key to the formulation and evaluation of physical planning initiatives. This research combines various forms of spatial analysis and many newly available and highly detailed spatial data sets in a series of studies related to different spatial-planning issues. Open-space preservation is the most common objective of the studied policy interventions, but concern for other spatial developments, such as changes in countryside vitality, water availability and flood risk, also receive attention.
The PhD research of Eric Koomen was supervised by PhD. Prof. Dr. H.J. Scholten and Prof. Dr. P. Rietveld.
This PhD thesis was made possible through funding of the Dutch research programme ’Climate changes Spatial Planning’ and the ’Environment, Surroundings and Nature’ (GaMON) research programme of the Netherlands organisation for scientific research (NWO).
Additional funding was provided by the following organisations: RPB, MNP, RIZA, VROM, H&S consultants and the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF).
A special web version of the thesis can be downloaded here. Most of the chapters are published as journal or book contributions and can be downloaded from the respective publishers websites as is indicated in the text.