Drs. Jip Claassens, is junior researcher at the Department of Spatial Economics of VU University Amsterdam in the Netherlands. He studies the growth of the Dutch housing stock, and assesses which underlying processes contribute to these changes in the housing stock. Using this knowledge he builds spatial models that simulate future urban development. In addition to working at Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, he works part time at the Object Vision company where he helps bringing these models into planning practice.
- Claassens, J., Koomen, E. (2018) Are current cities dense enough?: a case study for the Netherlands. Abstract and presentation for European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Congress August 28 – August 31 2018, Cork, Ireland.
- Claassens, J., Koomen, E. (2017) Steden blijven verdichten. ROmagazine, ruimtelijke ontwikkeling, infrastructuur en milieu (ROm) 35 (9): 18-25
- Claassens, J., Koomen, E. (2017) Constructing high-resolution housing price indices for the Netherlands. Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-14, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 35pp.
- Claassens, J., Koomen, E., Rijken, B.C. (2017) Actualisering landgebruiksimulatie Deltascenario’s; Achtergronddocument bij Ruimtescanner inzet. Rapport in opdracht van Deltares. Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-12, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. 34pp.
- Claassens, J., Koomen, E., Rijken, B.C. (2017) Analysing the potential for further urban densification: a case study for the Netherlands. Abstract and presentation for European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Congress August 29 – September 1 2017, Groningen.
- Claassens, J. (2016) Future developments in Bangladesh: urbanization scenarios to assess flood risk. MSc thesis Earth and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
- Claassens, J. (2016) Rare Earth Export Restrictions in China: a difference-in-differences analysis. MSc thesis Spatial, Transport and Environmental Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
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