VU Library |
Dekkers, J.E.C., Externalities, land use planning and urban expansion, Ph.D. thesis, Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam, 2010. |
Springer |
Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., The Adoption of Geo-ICT in Economics: Increasing Opportunities for Spatial Research in Economics. Chapter 8, in: Scholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., van Manen, N. (eds.), Geospatial Technology and the Role of Location in Science, GeoJournal Library, Springer, Dordrecht, 2009. |
Loonen, W., Koomen, E., Calibration and validation of the Land Use Scanner allocation algorithms, PBL publication number 550026002, Netherlands Environmental Assessment Agency (PBL), Bilthoven, 2009. |
SynRGI-Nieuwsbrief |
Andriesse, F., Nederland heeft betere landgebruikmodellen nodig. Interview met Jasper Dekkers voor de rubriek RGI-AIO’s in de spotlights, SynRGI-Nieuwsbrief, 33, Amersfoort, 2008. |
Atzema, O., van Egmond, K., Mommaas, H., Wenting, R., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Utrecht 2040. Een strategische analyse in het kader van het traject Samen op Weg naar 2040 van de Provincie Utrecht, Universiteit Utrecht, Utrecht, 2008. |
Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., de Ruiter, M.C., Estimation of a linear probability model for rural-urban land use transition in the Netherlands using hedonic price analysis of submarkets, Paper for the 48th congress of the European Regional Science Association, Liverpool, UK, 27-30 August, 2008. |
Land Use Policy |
Eppink, F.V., Rietveld, P., van den Bergh, J.C.J.M., Vermaat, J.E., Wassen, M.J., Hilferink, M., Internalising the costs of fragmentation and nutrient deposition in spatial planning: Extending a decision support tool for the Netherlands, Land Use Policy, 25 (4), pp.563-578, 2008. |
Annals of Regional Science |
Hagoort, M., Geertman, S., Ottens, H., Spatial externalities, neighbourhood rules and CA land-use modelling, Annals of Regional Science, 2008. |
GIS magazine |
Koomen, E., van der Hoeven, E.M.M.M., De toekomst in kaart; simulaties van veranderend ruimtegebruik, GIS magazine, 6 (1), pp.6-8, 2008. |
AGILE 2008 |
Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Hilferink, M., Climate-change adaptations in land-use planning; a scenario-based approach, in: Bernard, L., Friis-Christensen, A., Pundt, H. (eds.), The European Information Society; Taking Geoinformation Science One Step Further. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Geographic Information Science, Springer, Berlin, 2008.
Remarks: Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography Series |
Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Koekoek, A., Beschrijving en uitwisseling regionale Ruimtescanner toepassingen, Geodan Next, Amsterdam, 2008. |
Koomen, E., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Loonen, W., Ruimtelijke verkenning Overijssel 2040, Geodan Next, Amsterdam, 2008. |
Kuijpers-Linde, M.A.J., Koekoek, A., Loonen, W., Uitwerking ruimtelijke beelden omgevingsbeleid Drenthe, Geodan Next, Amsterdam, 2008. |
Mugdal, S., Benito, P., Koomen, E., Modelling of EU land-use choices and environmental impacts – Scoping study. Final report and appendices, Brussels/Ivry-sur-Seine, 2008. |
Annals of Regional Science |
Pontius Jr., R.G., Boersma, W.T., Castella, J.-C., Clarke, K., de Nijs, T., Dietzel, C., Duan, Z., Fotsing, E., Goldstein, N., Kok, K., Koomen, E., Lippitt, C.D., McConnel, W., Pijanowski, B.C., Pithadia, S., Sood, A.M., Sweeney, S., Trung, T.N., Veldkamp, A., Verburg, P.H., Comparing the input, output, and validation maps for several models of land change, Annals of Regional Science, 42 (1), pp.11-37, 2008. |
Valbuena, D., Verburg, P., Bregt, A., A method to define a typology for agent-based analysis in regional land-use research, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 128, pp.27-36, 2008. |
van Leeuwen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., The development of a static farm-level spatial microsimulation model to analyse on- and off-farm activities of Dutch farmers; Presenting the research framework, Paper presented at the third Israeli-Dutch Regional Science Workshop, Jerusalem, Israel, 4-6 November, 2008. |
VI Matrix |
van Manen, N., Scholten, H.J., van de Velde, R.J., Succesfactoren voor ruimtelijk denken in de wetenschap ontrafeld, VI Matrix, 16 (3), pp.18-20, 2008. |
Springer |
Borsboom-van Beurden, J., Bakema, A., Tijbosch, H., A land-use modelling system for environmental impact assessment. Chapter 16, in: Koomen, E., Stillwell, J.C.H., Bakema, A., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Modelling land-use change; progress and applications, GeoJournal Library, Springer, Berlin, 2007. |
Springer |
Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., Land-use simulation for water management: application of the Land Use Scanner model in two large-scale scenario-studies, in: Koomen, E., Stillwell, J.C.H., Bakema, A., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Modelling land-use change; progress and applications, GeoJournal Library, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007. |
Geertman, S., Romkema, M., Vonk, G.A., Planning Support Systems: best practices and proven methodologies, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
Springer |
Geertman, S., Stillwell, J., Planning Support: Methodologies and Best Practices, Springer-Kluwer Publishers, Berlin Heidelberg, 2007. |
Forthcoming book from the ISPRS workshop |
Geertman, S., Vonk, G.A., Planning Support Systems: how to improve utilization?, in: Zhan, Q. (eds.), Urban Planning: Geo-spatial Information and Decision Support. ISPRS publication, Wuhan University Publishing House, Wuhan, China, 2007. |
Submitted to E & P A |
Geertman, S., Kick-off for a PSScience agenda, Environment and Planning A, 2007. |
Int Journal of GIS |
Geertman, S., Hagoort, M., Ottens, H., Spatial-temporal specific neighbourhood rules for cellular automata land use modelling, International Journal of Geographic Information Science, 21 (5), pp.547-568, 2007. |
Geertman, S.C.M., Planning Support Systems: road to a PSS research agenda. Keynote lecture, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
Koomen, E., Loonen, W., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Localising the land-use impact of global climate change; integration of sector-specific adaptation measures with the Land Use Scanner, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook. International conference, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
Kuhlman, J.W., Verburg, R.W., van Dijk, J., How Frisian dairy farming may adapt to rising water levels, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
Kuijpers-Linde, M.A.J., Building bridges between strategic policy and research. Keynote lecture, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
VI Matrix |
Kuijpers-Linde, M.A.J., Overduin, Th., Interviews over de Nationale Geo-Informatie Infrastructuur, INSPIRE en de betekenis voor de rekenmodellen van het MNP, VI Matrix, 15 (7), 2007. |
Springer |
Loonen, W., Heuberger, P., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Spatial optimisation in land-use allocation problems, in: Koomen, E., Stillwell, J.C.H., Bakema, A., Scholten, H.J. (eds.), Modelling land-use change; progress and applications, GeoJournal Library, Springer, Dordrecht, 2007. |
Loonen, W., Koomen, E., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Calibrating and validating the Land Use Scanner algorithms, in: paper presented at the 15TH European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, ECTQG 2007, Montreux, Switzerland, 7-11 September, 2007. |
Ottens, H.F.L., Borsboom-van Beurden, J., Diederiks, J., van Kamp, I., Lisbon, Gothenburg and the City: Urbanisation and Quality of Life in Europe, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
Overmars, K.P., Verburg, P.H., Bakker, M.M., Hellmann, F., Staritsky, I., Landscape change projections for Europe under different policy scenarios, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook., FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
Pontius Jr., R.G., Castella, J.-C., Clarke, K., de Nijs, T., Dietzel, C., Duan, Z., Fotsing, E., Goldstein, N., Kok, K., Koomen, E., Lippitt, C.D., McConnel, W., Pijanowski, B.C., Sood, A.M., Veldkamp, A., Verburg, P.H., Lessons and challenges for land change modelers as revealed by a comparison of thirteen cases, paper to be presented at the transatlantic conference on the science and education of land use, Washington D.C., USA, 2007. |
| |
Timmermans, H., Batty, M., Couclelis, H., Wegener, M., Scientific Audit of National Land Use Models. Report and Recommendations of the Audit Committee, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, 2007. |
Valbuena, D., Verburg, P.H., Bregt, A., Ligtenberg, A., Veldkamp, A., A landholder typology for modelling land-use change processes at a landscape scale, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook., FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
van Schrojenstein Lantman, J.P., Integrating flood information systems in spatial planning, in: Addink, E., Barendregt, A., Ettema, D., Karssenberg, D., de Nijs, T. (eds.), Framing Land Use Dynamics II – abstractbook, FLUD-II, Utrecht University, the Netherlands, 18-20 April, 2007. |
Vonk, G.A., Geertman, S., Ottens, H., Schot, P., Why some Planning Support Systems are more widely used than others, Journal of the American Planning Association, 2007. |
E & P A |
Vonk, G.A., Geertman, S., Schot, P., A SWOT analysis of Planning Support Systems, Environment and Planning A, 39, pp.1699-1714, 2007. |
Bouwman, A.A., Kuiper, R., Tijbosch, H., Ruimtelijke beelden voor Zuid-Holland, MNP report 500074002, Bilthoven, the Netherlands, 2006. |
Dekkers, J.E.C., Koomen, E., De rol van sectorale inputmodellen in ruimtegebruiksimulatie: Onderzoek naar de modellenketen voor de LUMOS toolbox, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-05, Amsterdam, 2006. |
E & P B |
Geertman, S., Potentials for Planning Support: A planning-conceptual approach, Environment and Planning B; Planning and Design, 33 (6), pp.863-881, 2006. |
Geertman, S., Vonk, G.A., Planning Support Systems: why are they underutilized, in: Reviewed abstracts of International Workshop on Modelling and Decision Support for Urban Planning, Int. Workshop on Modelling and Decision Support for Urban Planning, Wuhan University, China, 2006. |
Loonen, W., Koomen, E., Verburg, P., Kuijpers-Linde, M., Land Use MOdeling System (LUMOS): A Toolbox for Land Use Modeling. Definitiestudie, Spinlab Research Memorandum SL-03, Amsterdam, 2006. |
Springer |
Vonk, G.A., Geertman, S., Schot, P., Usage of Planning Support Systems, in: van Leeuwen, J., Timmermans, H. (eds.), Innovations in Design and Decision Support Systems in Architecture and Urban Planning, Springer, Berlin, 2006. |
VI Matrix |
Vonk, G.A., Geertman, S., Gebruik support systems voor de ruimtelijke planning moet en kan beter, VI Matrix, 14 (7), pp.12-17, 2006. |