IGLO – an NWO research project, co-sponsored by Knowledge for Climate (KfC)
The Integrating Global and LOcal assessment models (IGLO) project has the objective to improve integrated multi-scale modelling frameworks to assess the interrelationships between land use and climate. This NWO funded project aims to consistently address the integration of processes operating across different scales and enhance the linkages and feedback between socio-economic processes and biophysical processes within the land change system. Modelling will be used as a central tool to address these issues resulting in improved concepts and methods for integrated assessment.
The project is carried out by two post-docs, one at VU-FEWEB and one at VU-FALW, that interactively work together on the overall concepts and framework in order to arrive at consistently linked models. However, each of the post-doc projects has its own focus. Post-doc 1 focuses on the linkage of global scale integrative assessment models to land-use modeling and regional assessments while post-doc 2 focuses at the linkages and feedbacks between socio-economic processes and biophysical processes influencing land change at local scales. Together the two projects will allow a consistent, multi-scale framework for analysis without attempting to merge everything within one (hard to manage) single model. The figure below indicates the overall organization of the project. Three overall themes are identified that address the main linkages between the individual projects. These themes, including the communication and dissemination, are jointly addressed by the post-docs.For more information, download the original project proposal.
Organization of the project indicating the two post-doc projects and overall themes addressed
Publications related to Integr. Global & LOcal assessm. models (IGLO) |
CEUS | Koomen, E., Diogo, V., Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld P., A utility-based suitability framework for integrated local-scale land-use modelling, Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 50, pp.1-14, 2015. |
Elsevier | Jacobs-Crisioni, C.G.W., Rietveld P., Koomen, E., The impact of spatial aggregation on urban development analyses, Applied Geography, 47, pp.46-56, 2014. |
Andrée, B., Subsidizing Miscanthus and Minimum Ethanol Fuel Share Standards for 2020, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2013. Remarks: Evaluated: 1 July 2013 – Supervisor: Koomen, E. |
JLUS | Batista, F., Lavalle, C., Koomen, E., A procedure to obtain a refined European land use/cover map, Journal of Land Use Science, 8 (3), pp.255-283, 2013. |
Koomen, E., From observation to implication; Developing land-use change scenario models, Expert keynote. FORECOM opening conference, Kraków, Poland, March 7, 2013. | |
Springer | Koomen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., The impact of land-use policy on urban fringe dynamics; Dutch evidence and prospects, in: Malkinson, D., Czamanski, D., Benenson, I. (eds.), Modeling of Land-Use and Ecological Dynamics. Cities and Nature series, Springer, Berlin, 2013. |
Cartographica | Diogo, V., Koomen, E., Land-use change in Portugal 1990-2006: main processes and underlying factors, Cartographica, 47 (4), pp.237-248, 2012. |
Koomen, E., Diogo, V., Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., A utility-based, multi-sector framework for local scale land-use modeling, in: Paper presented at the workshop on Complexity Modeling for Urban Structure and Dynamics, 15th AGILE international conference on Geographic Information Science, Avignon, France, April 24-27, 2012. | |
Landscape Ecology | Verburg, P.H., Koomen, E., Hilferink, M., Perez-Soba, M., Lesschen, J.P., An assessment of the impact of climate adaptation measures to reduce flood risk on ecosystem services, Landscape Ecology, 2012. |
Koomen, E., Rietveld, P., Dekkers, J.E.C., Towards an integrated approach for incorporating socio-economic and biophysical processes in local scale land-use modelling, Abstract European Regional Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 30 August – 3 September, 2011. | |
Cities and Nature Conference | Koomen, E., Dekkers, J.E.C., Rietveld, P., The impact of land use policy on urban fringe dynamics; evidence from the Netherlands, in: Abstract and presentation for the Cities and Nature Conference, Haifa, Israel, 2011. |
Springer | Lavalle, C., Baranzelli, C., Batista e Silva, F., Mubareka, S., Rocha Gomes, C., Koomen, E., Hilferink, M., A High Resolution Land use/cover Modelling Framework for Europe: introducing the EU-ClueScanner100 model, in: Murgante, B., Gervasi, O., Iglesias, A., Taniar, D., Apduhan, B.O. (eds.), Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2011, Part I, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Berlin-Heidelberg, 2011. |