This year’s Alumni Day Theme is: 3D/4D/5D GIS: on the brink of a Revolution? The challenges and opportunities for data management, modelling and geodesign We invite you to join us at the Annual Alumni Day. We will invite speakers from
SPINlab assists Dutch Court of Audit in researching NATO finances
Jasper Dekkers and Maria Pozimski from SPINlab have worked together with the Dutch Court of Audit to design the first version of the court’s project website on transparency in NATO finances and helped in gathering and checking publicly available financial
Eric Koomen lecturing about Sustainable Urban Planning in Sweden for the AESUS-project
For the NWO-funded project on Sustainable Urban Development (AESUS), SPINlab-researcher Eric Koomen visited Sweden to participate in a research seminar and the transfer knowledge in the form of a guest lecture and computer practical on urban planning. See his project
UNIGIS MSc thesis: The influence of land use change on hydrology
Changes in land use have influence upon hydrology. This influence can been subdivided into direct and indirect influence of changes in land use upon hydrology. Direct influence comprises the influence of changes in land use upon evapotranspiration and degree of
SPINlab releases Testaccio Digital Cultural Biography app through the itunes App Store
Maurice de Kleijn (SPINlab) and co-workers have developed a Spatial Data Infracstructure (SDI) to support the management and research of the history and heritage of Testaccio, a quarter in Rome, Italy. The project is part of the Challenging Testaccio research
Digital Humanities: Hype of Revolutie? Piek Vossen (VU), Marianne Linde (TNO) en Maurice de Kleijn (FEWEB-SPINlab) schetsen de ontwikkelingen
Deel 1: De digitale kaart van landschap, architectuur en verstedelijking. Met een inleiding door Piek Vossen (VU) en lezingen van Marianne Linde (TNO) en Maurice de Kleijn (VU) De virtuele en de fysieke wereld worden in toenemende mate één. Google
Vasco Diogo hits the local Australian news, highlighting the use of a land-use modeling framework to assess the potential for biofuels
PhD researcher Vasco Diogo, who is visiting the University of Melbourne as part of his activities in the Tools for adaptation strategies project, presents his work at the Biofuel Forum in Traralgon, Victoria. He will highlight the use of a
Simulating future urban heat islands using the socio-economic scenarios
Climate change is likely to affect living conditions in urban areas, causing, for example, an increase in the urban heat island effect. Understanding why urban areas have a higher temperature than their rural surroundings and finding appropriate adaptation measures are
Knowledge for climate – Theme 8: Socio-economic scenarios updated
The updated land-use projections related to the Global Economy (GE) and Regional Communities (RC) scenarios have been released. These scenarios were initially developed by a consortium of Dutch research institutes (CPB et al., 2006) and translated into land-use projections in
Best Paper Award for Eveline van Leeuwen and Jasper Dekkers
Eveline van Leeuwen & Jasper Dekkers, assistant professors at the Department of Spatial Economics, were awarded the Best Paper Award for early career/doctoral students at the annual conference of the Regional Science Assoc. Intl – British & Irish section