Around 40% of future urban development in the Netherlands is likely to take place within vulnerable areas. The development of new houses, industrial estates and holiday homes until 2050 may affect large areas with natural, landscape or cultural values. The
Future land use mapped to assess upcoming water challenges
Water and spatial policy need to be better coordinated to prepare for upcoming climatic and societal changes. We are proud to have provided the land-use scenarios for this important policy advice presented by Deltares to the Minister of Infrastructure and
Understanding the barriers for 15-minute cities
The new ENHANCE project aims to improve urban travel sustainability and equity by understanding current barriers for the application of 15-minute city (15mC) principles in outer metropolitan areas and small cities. Based on this understanding the project will propose strategies
Twinning for climate-resilient urban solutions
University of Twente and Vrije Universiteit cooperated in a project to explore the potential of digital twins for developing sustainable, climate-resilient urban development strategies. Digital twins offer a realistic representation of the built environment based on a variety of spatial
Europe’s population density patterns mapped in Nature Communications
Filipe Batista e Silva is a PhD candidate at SPINlab working for the European Union’s Joint Research Centre. Over the past years he worked on uncovering temporal changes in Europe’s population density patterns using a data fusion approach. He combines
Theory and Application of Dynamic Spatial Time Series Models
Today Bo Andrée defended his PhD dissertation in an online session that had a live stream on YouTube. The somewhat impersonal, digital setting did not inhibit a lively discussion. Bo’s thesis sets out to develop theory and methods to analyze
Relation between air pollution and confirmed COVID-19 cases researched
SPINlab doctoral candidate Bo Andree recently led a study on the relationship between air pollution and COVID-19 incidences in the Netherlands for The World Bank. With the spread of the virus several hotspots emerged around the globe, a number of which coincided
Voor een appartement wordt meer betaald
Dat kopte de NRC op 27 april over een onderzoek dat mede is uitgevoerd door SPINlab onderzoekers Jip Claassens en Bart Rijken. In dit onderzoek werd een vergelijking gemaakt tussen de bereidheid om te betalen voor binnenstedelijke appartementen en suburbane
3D archeologie in Rome
Spinlab onderzoeker Maurice de Kleijn (geospatiaal archeoloog (PhD), en Rens de Hond (promovendus-archeoloog, 3D-specialist) hebben in de afgelopen maanden bijgedragen aan de tentoonstelling Via Appia Revisited. Tijdreizen over de Eeuwige Snelweg. Deze tentoonstelling is een tijdreis langs de beroemde antieke
PhD promotion Ting Zou
Last January Ting Zou successfully defended her PhD dissertation at the VU University. Her thesis Landscape service provisions and preferences on the urban–rural fringe ‘attempts to investigate changes in landscape service supply and people’s preferences towards these services over space