SPINLab researchers supervise theses and research assignments on both bachelor and master level in a range of educational programmes. Here is a list of supervised theses, ordered by date and by educational programme.
Note: An overview of all theses of our distance-learning Master programme in Geographic Information Science & Systems (UNIGIS) can be found on the UNIGIS website.
- Master programme Spatial Economics (STREEM)
- Master programme Transport & Supply Chain Management (TSCM)
- Master programme Earth Sciences
- Bachelor programme Earth Science, Economics and Sustainability
- Bachelor programme Amsterdam University College
- National GI-minor Research Assignment
- Other
Master programme Spatial Economics (STREEM)
Sosha Zuiderduin. The impact of income and service density on travel sustainable mode choice for non-commuting daily trips. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 16 August 2024
Renée van der Knaap. Towards improved multi-hazard risk assessment: challenges and applications for Java, Indonesia. MSc thesis STREEM. Graded 26 July 2024.
Tanja Brouwer. Challenges and opportunities for food security amidst land-use changes in Bangladesh. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 07 July 2024.
Ashila Ghitha. Does flooding lower property values? Empirical evidence from Jakarta, Indonesia MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded July 9, 2023.
Nefertari Pramudhita. Explaining urbanization and airport connectivity in spatial context. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 16 August 2022.
Mark Kelleher. Building out or Building up: densification and expansion in Irish cities 1996-2021. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded July 21, 2021.
Yujing Ma. Revealing the value of urban parks for nearby residents: a hedonic pricing study in Beijing. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded August 20, 2021.
Krasniqi, A. Does densification lead to gentrification? MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded July 21, 2021.
Kollaard, M. The impact of retail diversity on Dutch inner cities. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded July 21, 2021.
Verbeek, R. The value of public trees in the Amsterdam housing market. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded July 21, 2021.
Steudel, J. The spatial impact of information and communication technologies. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded July 7, 2021.
Ferdinand, P. Forecasting patterns of urban expansion; A statistical analysis of forces determining locational urban growth and their regional differences. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Evaluated: 24 August 2020 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Zwijgers, H. Adapting to a changing environment in the Mekong Delta: Analysis of socio-economic farm and commune characteristics. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Evaluated: 23 August 2020 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Åsbrink, E. The likelihood of migration; Changes in the likelihood of sending out a household member for migration after a prolonged drought in the Mekong Delta, Vietnam. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Evaluated: 23 August 2020 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Bruggen, van, E., Domestic and Cross-Border Accessibility Spurring Agglomeration Economies in Regional Employment: The Case of European Transport Policy. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2019. Evaluated: 30 August 2019 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Bruggen, van, E., Domestic and Cross-Border Accessibility Spurring Agglomeration Economies in Regional Employment: The Case of European Transport Policy. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2019. Evaluated: 30 August 2019 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Pratama, A. P., Highway access and urban development in the Jakarta metropolitan area. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2019. Evaluated: 6 August 2019 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Ma, F., Driving forces of urban land-use change in Taiyuan, China. MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2019. Evaluated: August 2019 – Supervisor: Dias, E.
Murillo, G., The spatial-economic dimensions of commuting in Santiago, Chile, MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018. Evaluated: 24 August 2018 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Engelfriet, L., The impact of urban form on commuting in Chinese megacities, MSc thesis STREEM, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 21 March 2016 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.. Full thesis available upon request
Andree, B., Evaluating Spatial Heterogeneity and Temporal Movements in Cross-sectional Dependence Structures, Master thesis Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015. Evaluated: 2 July 2015 – Supervisors: Koomen, E. and Blasques, F.
Engelfriet, L., The impact of urban density on car dependency and related energy consumption, Research project report MSc STREEM, VU University Amsterdam, 2015. Evaluated: 19 February 2015 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Hoogeveen,R., Een verkennend onderzoek naar de economische impact van de recreatietoervaart op een regionale economie, Research project report MSc Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015. Evaluated: 9 January 2015 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Gatto, M., Locational Choice and Preferences with Costly Relocation, Masters thesis Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2013. Supervisor: van Duijn, M.
Turcanu, Laura, Rural Vitality in the Netherlands, Master thesis Spatial Economics, VU University, Amsterdam, 2012. Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Jansen Venneboer, B., Een nieuw instrument voor winkelplanning, Definiering en operationalisering van Scoping, Master thesis Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2005. Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Meijster, Y., M-Tourism, An Exploration of mobile Internet in the Market of Tourism, Master thesis Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2003. Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
de Reus, N.O., AquaMobile, Prototyping for a wireless location based information service, Master thesis Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2002. Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Dekkers, J.E.C., Reinders, M.J., What About Wireless…? An Analysis of The Mobile Market and Location-Based Services, Masters thesis Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2001. On September 17th 2001, this thesis was awarded by the Geospatial Information & Technology Association (GITA) Netherlands – Supervisor: Scholten, H.J.
Master programme Transport & Supply Chain Management (TSCM)
Abdenour El Baghdadi. Accessibility of elderly in the region Alkmaar related to the 15-minute city concept. MSc thesis TSCM. Graded 30 July 2024
Hung-Chih (William) Chiu. Commuting and living pattern changes before and during COVID-19 in the Netherlands. MSc thesis Transport & Supply Chain Management (TSCM). Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 05 July 2022.
Starzl, K., GIS-based Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis for Third-party Logistics Provider Selection, MSc thesis Business Administration – specialization Transport & Supply Chain Management (TSCM), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017. Evaluated 25 August 2017 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Mekenkamp, F., The relation between spatial accessibility and urban development in the Netherlands, Master thesis Transport & Supply Chain Management, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated 29 August 2016 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Vrenken, M., Are Ede’s rural roads more dangerous compared to other municipalities? – A Dutch rural road safety analysis, Master thesis Transport & Supply Chain Management, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 12 August 2016 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Burgers, M., Behavioural intention of sharing location data from mobile phones for non-motorized route-optimization in urban areas, Master thesis Transport & Supply Chain Management, VU University Amsterdam, 2014. Evaluated: 2 May 2014 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Master programme Earth Sciences
Katar Abed. Ancient land-use modelling. Continuity versus emergent locations in central Zakynthos. MSc thesis Earth Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded May 17, 2022. (Introduction only, for full thesis please contact author or supervisor)
van Dijk, B.C., An exploration of sustainable agriculture options for the West-Australian wheat belt; environmentally, socially and economically sustainable agriculture for the future, MSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017. Evaluated: 2 March 2017 – Supervisors: Bokhorst, M. P., Koomen, E.
Claassens, J., Future developments in Bangladesh: urbanization scenarios to assess flood risk, MSc thesis Earth and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 8 July 2016 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Plukaard, A., Sustainable spatial planning; An analysis of the costs and benefits of water-robust spatial, MSc thesis Earth and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 21 March 2016 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Koes, J., Economic feasibility of the Balance Island concept in Vietnam & Bangladesh; Determining suitable locations based on the economic benefits of the reduction in river salinity intrusion, MSc thesis Earth and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2015. Evaluated: 19 August 2015 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
A full version of this thesis can be requested from Alex.Hekman at Grontmij.nl
Last, J., Identifying the impact of tree volume on house prices; A hedonic price method approach in Amsterdam, Research project report MSc Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015. Evaluated: 14 January 2015 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Paardekooper, M., Economic Feasibility of Solar Panels in Amsterdam; Assessing and validating the potential of roof top solar panels in the city of Amsterdam, MSc thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015. Evaluated: 6 September 2015 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Paardekooper, M., Feasibility of onshore wind energy in the province of North-Holland, Research project report MSc Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015. Evaluated: 12 February 2015 – Supervisor: Diogo, V.
Belinfante, T., The Added Value of Geospatial Information in Disaster and Risk Management, Master thesis Earth & Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2012. Supervisor: van Manen, N.
Bachelor programme Earth science, Economics and Sustainability
Milan Rijsenbrij. Impacts of welfare loss on flood risk assessments. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 07 July 2023.
Jan Albertsboer. Assessing drought exposure in South Africa: spatial patterns, temporal trends, and future projections. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 07 July 2023.
Mandy Bakker. Built up area growth in Kenya: patterns, magnitude and drivers between 1990 and 2015. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 07 July 2023.
Marijn van ‘t Hof. Driving forces behind deforestation in Upper West Ghana. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 07 July 2023. The creation of the deforestation data is described here.
Luuk Verdonk. Analysing the location choice of solar fields in the Netherlands. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded 07 July 2023.
Fleur Weijer. Luchtverontreiniging in stedelijke megaregio’s. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Remarks: Graded 02 July 2022.
Niels Tuinman. An Iberian Peninsula analysis of variation in forest area development. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Remarks: Graded 02 July 2022.
Gabriela Riebeek. Urbanization trends in North- and South-Brabant between 2000 and 2015 using the Global Human Settlement Layer dataset. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Remarks: Graded 02 July 2022.
Bente Janssens. Effectiviteit van de milieuzonering in Amsterdam. Een onderzoek naar het effect van de milieuzone op het NO2-gehalte in de lucht bij Amsterdam. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Remarks: Graded 02 July 2022.
Waardenburg, P. Rijst en ravages? De toekomst van de Mekongdelta, Vietnam. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Remarks: Graded 28 June 2021.BenteJanssens_Thesis_BSc_ESE
Harman, J. Land cover changes in European shrinking urban regions. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Remarks: Graded 28 June 2021.
Stol, I., Land Use Change analysis of wildfires in Portugal. Relation between land-use change processes and occurrence of wildfires in Portugal between 2012 and 2018, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2020.
Remarks: Evaluated: 10 July 2020 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Ben, van der, S., Gevolgen bedrijvigheid na transformatie. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2020.
Remarks: Evaluated: 8 July 2020 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Kollaard, M., Yuppen in de grote stad; Veranderingen preferenties of voorzieningen. BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2019.
Remarks: Evaluated: 10 July 2019 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Egmond van, P. H. D., Scoping for detail. A review of global indicators to assess social vulnerability to water scarcity on a local level, BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018.
Remarks: Evaluated: 13 July 2018 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Zoer, T., Ex‐post evaluatie van veertig jaar ruimtelijk ordeningsbeleid in Nederland naar gevolgen voor potentiële overstromingsschade, BSc thesis Earth science and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018.
Remarks: Evaluated: 12 July 2018 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
De Rijke, C., Stedelijke transformatie in Den Haag, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015.
Remarks: Evaluated: 29 June 2015 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Petri, D., Using light at night data as a proxy for economic activity: a case study for Papua New Guinea, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015.
Remarks: Evaluated: 29 June 2015 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Smulders, J., Analysing land-use density, Research project report BSc Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015.
Remarks: Evaluated: 14 January 2015 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Berg, T., 14% duurzame energie in 2020; Een rapport over de haalbaarheid en de invulling van deze doelstelling, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2014.
Remarks: Evaluated: 3 July 2014 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Hu, M., Naar een aardbevingsbestendig sloopbeleid, Bachelor thesis Earth & Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2014.
Remarks: Evaluated: 21 July 2014 by Mulder, P. & Ward, Ph. – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Kennedy, E., Comparing valuation methods for ecosystem services in Amstelland; Applying ecosystem service valuation methods to evaluate land-use changes, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2014.
Remarks: Evaluated: 1 July 2014 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Robertson, S., Monetarisering van ecosysteemdienten: een case studie voor de Roggebotstaete, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2014.
Remarks: Evaluated: 1 July 2014 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Slaakweg, A., Vitaliteit van het Nederlandse platteland; Een Kwantitatieve analyse van de verandering in vitaliteit op het Platteland tussen 2000 en 2010, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2014.
Remarks: Evaluated: 1 July 2014 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Joling, R.J., Adding more detail to Potential Flood Damage Assessment, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2013.
Remarks: Evaluated: 29 August 2013 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
van Riemsdijk, M., Natuurbranden in Nederland. Een aanzet tot dieper onderzoek naar natuurbrandrisico in Nederland, Bachelor Thesis Earth & Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2013.
Remarks: Evaluated: 18 Juli 2013 – Supervisor: van Manen, N.
Andrée, B., Subsidizing Miscanthus and Minimum Ethanol Fuel Share Standards for 2020, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2013.
Remarks: Evaluated: 1 July 2013 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Olijve, I., Ruimtelijke veranderingen in de glastuinbouw, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2013.
Remarks: Evaluated: 28 June 2013 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Butijn, A., Toekomst van de Nederlandse glastuinbouw, Bachelor Thesis Earth & Economics, VU University Amsterdam , 2013.
Remarks: Evaluated: 16 May 2013 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Mulder, M., Analysis of settlements. Driving forces behind the location of settlements in Sylhet, Bangladesh, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2012.
Remarks: Supervisor: Koomen, E.
van Kouwen, M., Nationale landschappen op de schop. Vernieuwing of achteruitgang? Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University, Amsterdam, 2012.
Remarks: Supervisor: Koomen, E.
van Oosterhout, F., The impact of restrictive spatial policy in the Dutch Randstad area A spatial analysis of regional differences in land-use change, Bachelor thesis Earth & Economics, VU University, Amsterdam, 2011.
Remarks: Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Walda, H., De invloed van ruimtelijke factoren op krimpregio’s, Bachelor thesis Earth & Economics, VU University, Amsterdam, 2011.
Remarks: Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Pegels, M., Een decennium aan veranderingen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk; onderzoek naar de ruimtegebruiksveranderingen in het Verenigd Koninkrijk tussen 1990 en 2000, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2010.
Remarks: Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Snelder, M., Land use modelling of Austria with the EuClueScanner; Calibration and validation of explanatory factors, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2010.
Remarks: Supervisor: Koomen, E.
van Hussen, K., Wateroverlast in stedelijk gebied ten gevolge van extreme neerslag; een quickscan voor de intrinsieke gevoeligheid voor wateroverlast, Bachelor thesis Earth and Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2010.
Remarks: Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Bachelor programme Amsterdam University College
Gresa Isufi. Urban expansion and land transformations in Kosovo: insights from GIS analysis. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College. Graded 22 May 2024.
Sterre Blok. Monitoring the consequences of conflicting land use policies: an enhanced NDVI analysis of Amsterdam. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College. Graded 20 June 2023.
Victor Lombard. Understanding the shifts of plant-soil feedback in response to drought. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College. Remarks: Graded 14 June 2022.
Feingold, A. Local currencies: working towards Amsterdam’s circular ambitions. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College. Remarks: Graded 30 June 2021.
König, Y. Enabling an efficient lockdown by assessing proximity to essential amenities in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College. Remarks: Graded 28 June 2021.
Trip, S., The influence of land use practices on wildfire occurrence; A case study of the 2019/20 bushfire crisis in New South Wales. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College, 2020.
Remarks: Evaluated: 16 June 2020 – Supervisors: Koomen, E.
Plate, Y., An Analysis of Dutch Environmental Inequalities in Air Pollution Exposure. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College, 2020.
Remarks: Evaluated: 10 June 2020 – Supervisors: Koomen, E.
Rozema, M., Made in the Shade: a GIS-based Multicriteria-Analysis on Shaded Coffee Certification in Ethiopia. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College.
Remarks: Evaluated: 13 August 2019 – Supervisor: Janssen, R.
Loods, M., Measuring complexity: Biodiversity in the western Dutch peat meadow area. BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College.
Remarks: Evaluated: 09 July 2019 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Kouwenhoven, L., Poverty distribution mapping using a random forest algorithm a case study of the Mekong river delta, BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College
Remarks: Evaluated 17 June 2019 – Supervisors: Koomen, E.
Gutierrez, J. G., Inclusive Green Growth: The Sustainable Livelihood of the Mekong Delta in Vietnam, BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College.
Remarks: Evaluated 17 June 2019 – Supervisors: Koomen, E.
Sonnenschein, J., Planning Sustainable Drainage Systems in existing cities in tropical climates, BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College.
Remarks: Evaluated 15 January 2019 – Supervisors: Koomen, E.
Carpaij, S., Fighting the Paradox of the Compact City An examination of the externalities involved with urban densification projects and a case study of Haven-Stad, BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College, 2018.
Remarks: Evaluated: 13 June 2018 – Supervisors: Koomen, E.
Laubinger, F., A bottom-up analysis of household energy consumption in Amsterdam. Resolving policy barriers in the residential building sector, BSc Capstone Amsterdam University College, 2015.
Remarks: Evaluated: 9 June 2015 – Supervisors: Koomen, E. and Van Drunen, M.
van Dissel, D., Analysing evidence-based policy measures to combat air pollution in Amsterdam; Towards compliance with EU standards in 2015, Bachelor thesis Amsterdam University College, 2014.
Remarks: Evaluated: 10 June 2014 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
National GI-minor
de Vries, R. A method for determining the Socio Economic Status distribution for the case of Colombo, Sri Lanka. GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Remarks: Evaluated 7 February 2019 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Dees, N. An object based approach for classifying the Vietnamese Mekong Delta with the random forest algorithm. GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Remarks: Evaluated 10 January 2019 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Mosch, G. Informatieplicht Activiteitenbesluit Gebouwen: Meer data, minder kosten en meer verduurzaming? GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
Remarks: Evaluated 10 January 2019 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Meijering, B. Onderzoek naar stedelijke verdichting in de Zuidvleugel Kunnen er wel 230.000 extra woningen worden gebouwd in de Zuidvleugel? GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018.
Remarks: Evaluated 23 January 2018 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Blum, J., Transit Oriented Development, GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018.
Remarks: Evaluated 23 January 2018 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Lyons-Harrison, D., Accounting for Social Vulnerability in Flood Risk Assessment in Colombo, Sri Lanka, GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017.
Remarks: Evaluated 20 April 2017 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
van der Meulen, E., Where people vote what; Creating a model that predicts voting behaviour per neighbourhood, GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017.
Remarks: Evaluated 23 February 2017 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
A popular science article is also available for this research
Mulder, A., Social vulnerability to drought risk barometer 2016, GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2017.
Remarks: Evaluated 14 February 2017 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
A popular science article is also available for this research
Imhoff, R., Analyzing future flood risks in Cambodia; A quantitative approach using Delft-FIAT, National GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016.
Remarks: Evaluated 23 February 2016 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Statema, M., Mapping immigration views in California, National GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016.
Remarks: Evaluated 15 February 2016 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Wagenaar, D., Using detailed elevation data for mapping hidden natural landscape features in the Amstelland region, National GI-minor research assignment, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016.
Remarks: Evaluated 7 February 2016 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Felix Nahrstedt. Automated labelling of Sentinel-2 images with the help of OpenStreetMap. MSc research project Computer Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. . Graded 23 January 2024.
Max Celant. The impact of density on residential property values: evidence from Dutch ‘VINEX’ locations. MSc thesis Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Graded July 11, 2023 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Warnaar, T. D., . Landscapes of the thunder dragon. Creating a typology of Bhutanese landscapes as a tool for policy-makers and researchers, MSc thesis Earth sciences, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2018. Evaluated 10 July 2018 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Lyons-Harrison, D., Operationalizing Social Inclusiveness in Infrastructure Investment Choices in the Developing World, BSc capstone University College Utrecht, 2017. Evaluated 20 June 2017 – Supervisor: Koomen, E.
Nieuwboer, M., The Offline Influence on Search Engine Advertising: The effect of distance to stores, preference minority, and offline retail size on the online retailers’ search engine advertising effectiveness, Master thesis Marketing, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 14 October 2016 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Dinçsoy, S., A research about important determinants of spatial patterns in adoption of high involvement environmentally friendly innovations; the case of full electric vehicles, Master thesis Marketing, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 19 August 2016 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Reijnders, R., Proximity Breeds Credibility. An Online Consumer Review Perspective, Master thesis Marketing, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 12 August 2016 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Ammerlaan, K., Shopping behavior in specialty grocery stores. How household and store characteristics influence the shopping behabior of consumers, Master thesis Marketing, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 12 July 2016 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.
Bakker, J., I am what I share: the effect of Snapchat geofilters on sharing likeliness and brand perception, Master thesis Marketing, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, 2016. Evaluated: 8 July 2016 – Supervisor: Dekkers, J.E.C.